
MISSONI = Sweater Gods

My fabulous and wonderful sweater designer boss, Lucy, just went to a Missoni Exhibition in London. I thought I would share some her photos of truly remarkable fashion history.....

LOVE the pattern mixing. This is my fave outfit from the show.

That jacket in the middle should be mine, like, now.

Cutest ski bunny ever. Please take me to Aspen and give me this outfit to wear.

Colors so good!

She also went to Pitti Filati in Florence and got to see some true amazingness in regards to luxury yarns and knitting techniques:

Lucy knitting a swatch inspired by the above pink glorious monstrosity.

All photos courtesy of Lucy and Carrie.

I've seen gems a plenty

This blog shall be dedicated to the times when my brain spins from wonderful people/places/things around me. Isn't that what life is all about?????

I often stop and wonder, wait, WHAT just happened? Did I just trip over a hole in the space time continuum? Did I just time travel and witness miracles along the way? They say that time is an illusion, and I totally agree, especially when you apply the concept of time to beauty or excitement or inspiration or matters of the heart- time doesn't exist on these planes.